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radiantshadow92 said:
honestly i dont care for BC and i dont think anyone else should either....we've had a good 5 years with the Ps2 and played most of its game....i dont need to go back to them....and if you do want to go back to them its not that big of a deal (you can live without it) specailly since the ps3 has such a great line-up


so you never go back and play old games? break out an SNES and play original mario kart, or throw down FFVII form your three cds? those games are dead to you?


my ps2 died  (controller thing would not recognize any of my ps2 controllers, tested a friends and his did not work, but my controllers worked on his ps2), and i was playing through both FFVII for the 3rd time, and harvey birdman attorney at law again. (HB is an awsome game if you get a chance pick it up)

if the slim had BC i would have bought one, i hope they reintorduce it. I really do it would drastically improve my view of sony this gen. 

sony has quite a few quirky games you cant get anywhere else and i love them (loco roco was amazing ), but they make it so hard to justify me spending my money on them. 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog