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perpride said:
I love how every time the question of graphics come into play, PC gamers talk about Crysis.

OK, Crysis has the best graphics out of any game currently out. Agreed. And if you have a super machine, you can play that beast to look much better than any console game.

But can we use 1 game as the reason we say PC graphics are REALLY starting to outpace consoles? NO. How about this for a change: PC fans, give me 5-10 games that look like Crysis. Never mind, you can't do that (obviously if it is the best). Give me 5-10 games that look on par or better than:

1. Killzone 2.
2. MGS4.
3. Gears of War 2.
4. Uncharted 2.
5. Lost Odyssey.
6. Gran Turismo 5.
7. Forza 3.
8. Fight Night Round 4.

All this is assuming you have a PC that can handle games that look that good. There is no doubt that PC is more powerful than consoles, but there is a reason console gaming has become so popular. Buying a console means that you will be playing games that are optimized for the hardware that you are using. Every single PS3 owner will see Killzone 2 in all its glory. 90% of the people who have played Crysis have played it on a setting which looks like a joke compared to Killzone 2.

Again, show me 5 games, I will agree that PC is REALLY starting to outpace consoles. But as it stands, consoles currently have the best looking games available, with a couple of exceptions.

Look, games that are multiplatform and are on both PC and consoles actually look superior to most of the games on that list when played on a half-decent PC. Play Fallout 3 (especially with the user created texture mods), CoD4/5, Far Cry 2, GTAIV on a half-decent PC and the raw power will trounce the games you just listed. Shove the graphics and effects up to high, up the AA, AF and the resolution and there is no real contest. The native texture res on the PC tends to be higher too and they allow for more effects. I haven't even mentioned Cryostasis (the game is crap, but a lot of the power is spent on PhysX stuff the consoles would find impossible to acheive with the same level of detail).

You can argue that artistically these games are superior, but in terms of raw effects and power, even multiplatform games typically look better than nearly all console exculsives, including those listed. I say this as a PC gamer that owns all the current gen consoles, and a somewhat dated PC.

And I doubt that most of PC gamers that bought Crysis played it on the low settings like you seem to be suggesting considering its a game that was hyped for its high graphics and system requirements. Most who bought it would have had that in mind. I think your deluding yourself if you think that Killzone 2 graphics look better than 90% of the people that played Crysis. You could always argue that not everyone with a PS3 played on an HDTV so 50% of the people that played Killzone 2 played with graphics at a res PC gamers had easily surpassed in 1999.