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KillerMan said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
KillerMan said:

Comparing FPS game to racing game is a bit unfair. It is easier to make good looking racing game.

Are there a lot of PC racing games that look better than Gran Turismo 5 will, then?

I think you've just stated a commonly held misconception.

Racing genre is not that big on PC so this far there isn't better looking racing games. That will though change with release of Dirt 2 PC version. (one of the first PC games that uses DX11 features)

Tangent here, but Dirt 2 is a great game. That brings me to another PC gaming flaw. You end up playing games that console gamers have been playing for months, because developers are afraid of losing sales due to piracy, if they have the same launch date as the PC.

Sure, Dirt 2 will look better than its console counterpart. A lot better, if you consider the relatively small non-generational graphical differences in texture and shadow "a lot."

What about next gen? What if console graphics reach diminishing returns for developers? What advantage would the late PC port have then?

Graphics can only be used as a crutch for so long, as inevitably, graphics will become less and less differentiable as the genrations progress. What else does PC gaming bring to the table when you can no longer post screenshots, lol?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.