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Reasonable said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
shio said:



lawl? the current generation of consoles can barely handle HDR lighting, how are they even close to eachother?

There's a pretty difference between GT4 and Crysis. You must be blind for not seeing it.




Zen, don't be silly.  Whatever game you quote on console could be delivered with additional graphical capabilities and resolution on a PC of sufficient strengh.

This is silly.  You can't just limit PC tech to games.  PCs are used for all sorts of high end graphics and simulators and technically they are, looking to currently available graphical cards, memory levels, etc. far more powerful than HD consoles.

They real point is that fewer and fewer games are likely to aim for the full potential of a PC version vs the lower cost but probably higher selling console version.

I agree. screenshot comparisons are very silly, and I've said many times, that the PC is capable of generaing better graphics than the consoles. However, the difference is embellished constantly, and yes, I am talking about available games, not theory.

While us graphic entheusiasts see a vast difference between small lighting differences and textures, really, this is a very small difference, compared to the leap in graphics from previous generations, but we spend so much of our time obsessing about it, we completely forget that we are obsessing about small insignificant differences.

However, this all comes down to the PC gamer and their inherant need for absolute elitism. "Of COURSE PC is a better platform." When you build and obsess over something for years, it pisses you off when someone gets the same thing from a 20 minute trip to walmart for 199, but that's the reality we're faced with, isn't it?

I mean, isn't it? A $199 20 minute trip to walmart gives us an easier HD experience, with access to well produced high end AAA exclusive titles that PC gamers would kill for. Isn't that why we need to justify our rigs, rather than accept console gaming as a viable or /GASP equal alternative?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.