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Same issues here. I thought the switch had already happened though. This is the first time in two days I've been able to get on. At first it was just coming up as an error, then a few times getting a totally white page with a few clickies(stuff like server crap). Last night and today it would start loading, then just sit there loading. This time I just let it sit and it eventually loaded. It took me 5 minutes just to get here to post this. That's not an exaggeration either. Took maybe two minutes for the site to come up, well over a minute for the website discussion board to load, then about two minutes for this topic to load. I'm posting this to make sure ioi and the mods are aware of the problem, as I can't wait 5 minutes to get to a single topic.

I come here multiple times a day and going a few days without vgchartz was pretty rough. Here's to hoping this gets fixed up soon. Until then, I'll be patiently waiting. :)

"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."