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Alright all you armchair analysts out there, Imagine this:

You are Nintendo's new CEO.  You get to call the shots.  You get to take a look at the latest attacks from Sony and Microsoft and decide what your next move will be.  So how does this play out?  Do you drop the cost of the Giga Gamecube or do you think it'll only take a few different shades of protective plastic on the beast to turn around this current slowdown for the White Wonder?

Or are you one of those purists who believe that the ultimate way to sell systems is to pack-in that truly must have game of the holiday season.  If so, be you Wii Sports Resort or NSMBWii.  Don't be shy.  We know all of you around here have opinions and aren't afraid to use them.  Just be careful you don't shoot yourself in the foot...or worse.

And welcome also to you Wii naysayers.  You've been here for a while and maybe you're mostly excited right now about the prospect of Nintendo taking that great fall once again.  Somehow you managed to con the higher ups into thinking that you belong in the driver's seat of The Great MarioKart and you're only ambition is to steer it into a wall, or better yet take it into a suicide plunge into Mushroom Gorge.  

And for those of you underachievers who somehow attained the highest office in all of Mushroom Kingdom...should we just wait this one out through the holidays and do nothing?  I mean, look at that lead.  There's no way the other two could possibly hope to steal away that blue ocean of casual converts in one short holiday season, is there?


Happy Voting...oh, and how much are you getting paid for this new gig anyway?  I hear Nintendo execs sleep in money-filled comforters.