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badgenome said:
Yridian said:

What is Obama doing exactly? I mean most of his critics are nothing more than conservatives who are using fake outrage and cries of socialism and how it'll kill us all, and there's no money for any of this. Yet if we invaded 10 other countries, that would be no problem. Always money for war. Money to improve things at home? That's socialism and well, there's just no money in that.

He hasn't taken our money. He has plans for it that will span many years. And the government bail out, while expanded under Obama, started with Mr 'Free Market' himself, George W. Bush. But no one seems to remember that. I don't remember this much outrage from the right about it either.

He hasn't taken our money, but he has plans for it anyway? That's a little presumptuous of him.

There's plenty of partisan hypocrisy on the right, sure, and I'm no fan of Bush's at all, but to watch the Democrats run on fiscal responsibility (LOL @ Obama tut-tutting Bush's bailouts last year) only to go crazy once they got power? While it hasn't been surprising in the least, it has been pretty fucking galling all the same.

badgenome's post makes the baby Jesus smile and the O-bots cry lol

I agree 100%... yes Bush made alot of mistakes and made some poor decisions over the course of 8 YEARS... so how does that give Obama cart-blanche to do whatever he wants and push for policies that have nearly quadruple spending and the deficit already after just 6 MONTHS in office?!?  You can only blame Bush for so long before you're forced to take responsibility for your own actions, which is exactly why things are going bad for him at the moment and his poll numbers go south as people sour on him.  He's gone from having an approval rating in the high 70's when taking office, to just barely staying above 50% 6 months later.

BTW... the president doesn't control spending or the budget or any of the bills that are written up, etc... that would be Congress, which has been controlled by Democratic majority since 2006.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.