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I think VGChartz is trying to do way more than it needs to.

I liked how things were simple before. I only come to this site, I go to no other apart from Gamefaqs from time to time. I enjoy seeing news stories on the front page, I like to check up on sales numbers and sometimes I like to see how a specific game is doing.

I love the forum area, best community on a gaming site, bar none. I mean that seriously. It is what has kept me here for almost 2 years now.

Reviews are nice too but I rarely read them. Still nice to have and hopefully you guys can get added to Metacritic, that would do wonders for you guys.

Everything else though doesn't need to be on the front page, it runs so slow, especially on my work PC and now it is beginning to run slower on my laptop at home. Way too much going on there.

To be honest I think you should focus more on VGChartz strengths because every time you try to branch out that leaves less attention to give to these much more vital areas.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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