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I think this guy is right, and that Sony is finished. Contrary to what all the Sony die-hards say, the 360 has been outselling the PS3 since day one, and it's only increasing its lead over time. The 360 can challenge the Wii in the second-biggest gaming market worldwide: it might even reach 40 million units worldwide by the end of '09. The PS3 isn't even a gnat on its windshield anymore.

And don't start any of that "pricedrop!" bulls***; like this guy said, a price drop only gives you a slight increase on what you had before. Quick, what's 1.5 times nothing? Two times nothing? A million times nothing? Yeah, zero. Price drops didn't save the Gamecube, because no one wants to play the kiddy games that Sony offers now. Doesn't matter how cheap you are if no one wants you. Oh, and if price drops are so easy, why have they taken so long? For that matter, any penny Sony drops will be matched 1:1 by Microsoft. Checkmate, b****!

And software? Multi-platform games almost always sell more on the 360 than on the PS3. Developers hate that piece of s***: even die-hard Sony fanboys admit that! The future's even more bleak, since developers are already working on Natal while they haven't even received their Dildo Development Kits. Shoot, the 360 has a game taht's approaching 10 million sold: the pathetic PS3 top seller is a multiplat that's at half that. And that multiplat STILL sold better on the 360, despite the franchise previously being a "Sony game." So much for brand loyalty!


Dear Mr. PS3,

Bend over and grab ankles, 'cause you're f***ed.

Sincerely, Reality