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nightsurge said:
Munkeh111 said:
All these people saying that Go and Slim cannot co-operate at similar price points, people don't think shall I get a handheld or shall I get a console, you will want one of them (though I might be getting a slim and Go), you won't be torn between the 2 products

@ kowenici, say that when Gran Turismo 5 comes out. Yeah very few have a meaningful effect on sales, GeoW 2 didn't really, but GT 5 will I am less convinced about GoW 3 though

I think GT 5 is just as important as a $50 price point, it is one of the very few games that has mass appeal worldwide, MGS 4 was big everywhere, but not GT big

GT4 had no affect on PS2 sales whatsoever.

And I really strongly believe that if the prices are $250 for Go and $300 for PS3 the Go's sales would be canibalized.  However, I feel that they will be $250 and $350 if the PS3 does get a cut at all.

People, usually teens, buy hand helds because they can say its "theirs".  They can afford them because they are cheaper and more personal.  But if you haven't got a PSP or a PS3 (the audience Sony should be targetting, not their current customers who just want to get the new hardware), and you walk in and see a PS3 for just $50 more, I can guarantee at least a couple people out of every 10 customers will be getting the PS3 instead.  Not to mention these are usually purchased by parents, and if parents can get something that offers great movies for their HDTV along with gaming and all those extras for only $50 more I'm sure they will grab that one.

GT 4 was the second GT of the gen, so obviously less of an effect. I just think somebody is either in the market for a console or a handheld, I don't think there will be that many problems, and let's not forgot, the 3000 is still on the market