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@dcIKeeL. HappySquirrell has already spared me the trouble of having to explain what Hardcore truly is, so I hope you read what he wrote. It's how the games are played that counts, not the genre. Console FPS have always been casual, hell even console gaming in it's entierety is almost always casual in some way or another.

You say you're tired of all Nintendo sequels. Well, that's what they have been doing even back in the SNES days, and I almost never see people complaining about the SNES. The difference is that Nintendo had good third party support back then, and got original games from elsewere. The Wii is slowly regaining that third party support, so yea you will see plenty of different real games coming out for Wii. If you don't like Wii, then buy another system, but don't give me all this "Nintendo is d00med". It's getting old.

This discussion was about the Natal hype not working as microsoft planned, and Malstrom is probably right about that. It has no release date and no true public demonstrations. It's vapourware. Microsoft can have all the goals thay want, but it all comes down to execution.