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Gamerace said:
Carl2291 said:
From what people have been saying, this could be a "my bitch" thing.

Like, Sony have stated the 13Million... which basicly = Pricecut.
And Activision are like... CUT THE PRICE OR ELSE >:(
Its looking like a "yeaaah Sony is our Bitch"

Personally I don't see it that way.

Assuming Sony cuts the price of the PS3 prior to the holiday season, MS will easily counter that with a price cut of their own (which could happen irregardless) and effectively anul any benefit the still overpriced PS3 would have gotten from it.    Why buy a $299 - $349 PS3 when you can get a $249 Wii or $149-249 360? 

It Sony wants to benefit from a price cut it must do it NOW.  However, I think Sony has lost quite enough money on PS3 already so I don't see it happening, Activision be damned.

Interesting take on it.

I really doubt MS would do another major pricecut... it would seem desperate. Plus, they would probably save the pricecut for Natal release.

As for the bolded, the other systems wont have GT5 (all signs are pointing at a Christmas release) and Final Fantasy 13(JP)