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The 4-score was a relative flop and not a lot of games used it. I loved the thing, since I had 2 brothers. We used to play Ivan "Ironman" Stewarts Off-Road Racing, Superspike V-Ball, M.U.L.E., Gauntlet II and a few other games, but the four I named were the only ones we owned.

The SNES also only had 2 ports but also had a Super Multitap that originally came with bomberman. The Super Multitap got ~50 games for it, but mostly sports games. Again, I loved using it, but not a lot of games took advantage of it.

N64 was the first console to have 4 ports built right in (in my lifetime anyways, as the Bally Astrocade had 4 ports but wasn't sold while I was alive) but due to having lost so much momentum in the industry not a lot of developers were taking advantage of the 4 player capability. While more 4-player games were released on N64 I don't know of any 4-player platformers.

Sony went with only 2 ports, and did have a multitap, but both the PS1 and PS2 suffered the same fate as NES/SNES in having very few non-sports games that actually sported them. Or at least they were hard to find, as we bought a multitap for my cousins and ended up choosing between two non-sports games and 1 sports game for them.

Part of the reason I have always been a huge fan of Nintendo is because they supported 4 players, and we would have friends over and only 2 people at a time is lame when you want to have fun playing video games.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
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