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And yeah, I watched a video of Portal and TF2 being played on the PS3 and 360. Eh. Looks fine, but the controls did seem quite slow and inaccurate.

I'm not trying to a PC fanboy. But I notice that a lot of FPSs, including TF2 here, on the consoles force players to do a lot of strafing left and right.

They can't immediately and accurately line up a shot with the right analog stick, so they do a bit of strafing with the left stick to try and line it up while spamming the gun. It works, but it sure isn't as good as immediately pointing between the dude's eyes and pulling the trigger. And with Portal, I definitely had to make some far away portal shots on a certain ceiling tile, and that would be quite a bit harder if I overshot because of an analog stick.

Duel analogs works for most console FPSs because they're designed around them, the console FPSs are designed to take that slight inaccuracy and use other gameplay mechanics like assisted aim, secondary weapons like nades, whatever to help compensate. And it's fine with TF2 because everyone's at the same level.

But PC and consoles will not play well together unless the game is gimped somehow, really.

You can argue that duel analogs are better, and I'd understand why...but for games like this, you really need precision.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )