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Khuutra said:
noname2200 said:

Not really: it has the added benefit of being a video system as well, but where the video can only show you what to do (and then leave the actual execution to you) this service does it for you. I'd be okay if it was just a video service, and I'm sure plenty of folks will employ it as such. I'm just worried that for too many people, the urge to give in to laziness will overcome any desire for improving one's skills (especially when said skills are pretty worthless outside of gaming). I think the analogy I scribbled up in my last post sums up my thought process here.

Look, if it lets me share Mario with my mom....

Will it though? I understand what you're getting at, and if I thought things would work out that way I'd be all in favor of this. But what's most likely going to happen when you co-op with your mother? My guess: the two of you will have fun both playing NSMBWii for the first few levels, you'll hit a part she can't handle (and will auto-out of), you'll play the next few levels (save for the parts where she needs to use that skill again, one she hasn't developed due to using this feature) until she hits another, new obstable, which she'll auto-out around, and so on and so forth, until it gets to the point where the parts she can't handle are more numeroous than the parts she can, at which point she's just watching you play, rather than playing with you.

I think there's a very serious risk of this happening, and I don't envision it as being much fun for either of you.