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It's over. 

The biggest show of the year has run its course and no amount of fanboy tears can bring it back.  So did you get to see what you were waiting for?  Did this year pack more of a wollup for you than last year?  Or the year before?  But really, what pissed you off the most?  What was it about this year's show that made you cringe in your chair and wish the whole thing had been a bad dream?  

Was it Microsoft's Natal?  Did this reveal by Microsoft move them closer to Nintendo when they really should be focusing on thier hardcore base?  Or do you think that it just wasn't ready to be shown?

What about Nintendo's Vitality Sensor?  Has Iwata finally cracked up?  Is this one step too far in exergaming, like Wii Music was one step to far into rhythm games? 

And how about them ice cream cones that Sony showed off?  Did that demo seem a bit rushed to you?  Dide it seem a little too rough around the edges for a product that is supposed to hit shelves next Spring?

Of course, if you're in that coveted Tween category that every publisher and developer seems to think represents 1/3 of the marketplace then maybe you didn't have anything to be disappointed about.  Maybe you are fascinated by the idea of designing jewlery on your game console, then having that same jewlery sent to you in the mail. 

And I know some of you just don't think that four Mario titles are enough.  You want Moar!  You want Mario Ice Skating and Mario: Night at the Museum.  Maybe you just want Nintendo's next console to be nothing but Mario games.  It'll be like the NES era when the fat plumber was in everything from Punch Out to Golf.

And judging by the forums across teh internetz I'm sure there are more than a few of you who were disappointed in the entire show.  You thought that the booth babes were the best things to see at the show and that everything else got in the way.  That's why you made sure to stay focused on VGChartz throughout the event to keep up with Evan and Gabriel's ever growing list of this year's hottest hotties whose only real job (and trust me, it's real work) was to act like they liked having us gaming nerds around for the week.  Bless their little souls.

Happy Voting!