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6.5 Presentation
Very hit or miss. Some cutscenes are a confused joke, others are well-produced. The story isn't your standard fare, but that doesn't mean it is outstanding.
5.5 Graphics
If it weren't for some nice animations, this game wouldn't have anything going for it visually.
7.5 Sound
There's nothing exceptional going on here, but the sounds and music do their job. The voice acting is decent.
8.0 Gameplay
Toying around with the powers, consuming and crushing everything in your path, and generally playing with the world is fun. The mission design could be better and things do tend to get too chaotic.
6.5 Lasting Appeal
You can do just about everything in well under 20 hours. I didn’t find myself compelled to play for a second time at all.
(out of 10 / not an average)

That review, despite the 7.5, is bad.