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XanderZane said:
darthdevidem01 said:

well their PS3 direction for me negates all the PSP mistakes done with GO!

Yeah.. I'll get the UMD version when it comes out. PSP Go is a joke. Don't get me wrong. Sony had the right idea, they just didn't complete the task, that's all. Everything they have for the PSP GO is just about right. Here are the things they forgot.

1) 16GB Flash or SD memory is ok, but 30GB would have been much better. That's a lot of downloads and movies right there.

With the size of PSP games and the ability to add more yourself, making the PSP even more expensive by adding extra memory (which is not exactly cheap), would have been a wasted effort.

2) Where's the 2nd Analog stick? Gamers practically begged for this and Sony didn't deliver.

Okay, we have been over this a billion times, but whatever. Arhm arhm.

This is still a PSP, not a PSP2. If Sony had added the second stick, controls for future games could alienate the entire 50M+ PSP install base, which is one hell of a bad business move.

3) What, no Touch screen options? The Wii, IPhone and even the IPod has this feature. Why did Sony skip on this?

Why should they have it? To copy? To use for games and again alienate those 50M+ PSP owners who can't use it? It would be even stupider to have one, considering they are still selling the 3000, plus it would have made the PSP Go! more expensive.

4) No Phone features. Sony could have made this an option for a higher price PSP. Having a phone, with Touch Screen text would have been awesome for the PSP. It could have easily had competed with Apple's IPhone if done right. Especially with all the Apps they could have added.

Again, this is just copying and I doubt it would have competed well with the iPhone. And a more expensive PSP is not a good choice here, even if it is a second SKU. Besides, it already has Skype if you must use it for this.

5) UMD backward compatible. Why they didn't include an UMD slot is beyond me. Having 100% B/C is a must for handheld devices. That is why the DS Lite sold so well. With the DSi, you can't play older Gameboy games on it. Sony really blew it by not keeping this option.

Which is why old PSP games will be put up on the store, to make the Go! perfectly capable of playing older titles. If this device had in fact had an UMD drive, it would have defeated the entire purpose of making it more portable. It would use more power, weigh more, be bigger, more expensive and you would be carrying around games with you. There is a reason for why they will be selling the Go! alongside the 3000, Sony said themselves that this is in fact not for everyone.

6) No camera. Huh!?!? Even the DSi has one. What was Sony thinking? This obviously would be a feature with the phone option of course, but it would be a must have.

How is a camera a must have? Every cellphone has one, so if you want to take a picture use that instead of the crappy picture a PSP camera would give you. And again, the PSP is expensive enough as it is, there really is no need for a camera.

7) Priced to high.

That I will agree with.

It's definitely priced to high with the PSP 3000 almost $80 less. $200 would have been a much better price. It obviously price this high so that Sony can make some serious money off of it to make up for $1.7 billion in losses last year. That's why there was no PS3 Price cut announced as well.

if Sony had added all these features they could have kept the price at $250 without the phone and $300 (or $325) with the phone. I think it would sell pretty well too. The way it stands now, I can't even see them selling 2-3 million of these before the end of the year.

No. By comparison, a 16 GB iPod Touch costs $299, and a 32 GB iPod Touch costs $399. Now, you want to add a touch screen, a camera, 16 GB of memory, a second analog stick and UMD compatibility and remain at $249. You sir, are delusional.

The PSP Go! is fine, just the way it is.