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I thought Natal was absolutely awesome and cool and badass, however extremely useless when it comes to games. How the fuck are you supposed to walk and do everything that a game other than a Wii Sports Copy has? Nothing.

Also you are bashing Mario games when there was Halo and Splinter Cell present? Fail in its very definition, even if we assumed that Halo wasn't a shitty FPS to begin with while Mario the best platformer out there.

However the new games for the 360 looked mildly interesting, with Alan Wake up front. Past that, things were pretty mellow. If AC1 was any indication, AC2 will also suck, but the potential is still there just as much as there was with AC1. I can't even remember the rest of the gamee off the top of my head outside of MGS, hopefully it won't be like MGS4, because that was one horrible movie with some damn good gameplay for intermissions.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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