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while i will say i love games like loco roko, i have to say war games and there ilk have always been a past time of mine board games to video, (i grew up on army bases) but the violence and sex is here in the real world, i have been robbed at gun point coming home, and live right next to a campus, so drinking and people have sex where you stumble across it isnt that odd. Id have to say not necicarly moraly corrupt, but more socialy open, which has the side effect of allowing people to become dregs if they want to.

I have no problem with that

games are a mere reflection of that, it also allows excapism and fantasys peopel do things they can never do in life and wouldnt dream of doing.

on top of that alot of it is just funny, and since we know its not real its taken out of the "real world" context

i dont normaly play doa but buy a copy when it comes out, and when friends come in from out of town that dont play fps, sports or stratagy, we bring it out to play, alot of girls want to play it....

the more violent ones i own hitman, its hard, very hard to complete, and its thought provoking working on ways to win...

halo, its interactive scifi story, with great online support, primary fps when friends are over

dead rising... its funny to kill zombies, even more so when its bloody and i can do it with random things...

WWII games.... NAZIS they are the worlds enamies ... also, when playing as them, pretend your brainwashed

never got it to gta

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog