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Saw this thread coming 2 days ago when I read the article about these stats.

Frankly I saw a guy put it best. You are not "pro-life" unless you are also against all kinds of torture, capital punishment, standing in line to help people with AIDS in Africa, against freedom to bear arms, etc. What you are is anti-sex and promiscuity and that's it. I frankly find it appalling just how hypocritical these "anti-sex" people are. It's fine to be hurting human life, as long as it won't promote having sex!

On another point, most anti-sex people are heavy conservatives and don't want the government to have ANY power and to just let people live. Telling what a person can do with their body is by FAR the WORST thing a government can do. Please, take 95% of my income in taxes, take my guns, control the media, whatever. Just don't fucking tell me what to do with my body. It's just sad how hypocritical people are.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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