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A new Wii color or colors (jet black?) are coming for Monster Hunter Tri (3) launch in Japan. I would virtually gauruntee that. 

There may be a misconception about WSR ... it doesn't have to sell Wiis on its own. It just has to get the momenteum back up. 

The way the Wii sells really is word of mouth. People come over to their friend/family members house. They play Wii Sports/Fit whatever, have a blast and want their own Wii. 

There's no reason why Wii Sports Resort can't elicit a similar response. In fact I will say now because of the more accurate motion sensing, I think WSR is going to be better game than the first Wii Sports. 

Also I think Wii Fit Plus (Wii Fit 2) is coming this year in Japan anyway.