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cdude1034 said:

The main defense of the PS3's relatively poor sales is that it's only been 6 months, and that's no indication of final sales. If you think about it though, it's going to be that initial fan base that's going to be spreading the word and advertising the awesomeness of their respective system, and if the Wii is in twice as many homes as the PS3, then there's going to be not only more word of mouth advertising, but actually demo-ing a friend's system. Think PS2.

As far as Microsoft goes, I have no freaking clue. I see the appeal of the system as far as the whole HD graphics thing goes as well as the exclusive titles like Gears of War and Rainbow 6 Vegas (soon to not be exclusive), but to me, it's too profit driven. With millions paying monthly for a subscription to xbox live, it's hard to argue results, but what happens if dissention with the fees grow, and less people play? We'll see.

Back to the other two systems; This is the race I'm following. This is important to me because I honestly don't think bullying your way into the market with a $600 system is going to work, and I don't think it's right. You shouldn't have to pay a premium for something as simple as a videogame or its respective system. However, I may end up eating my words in the end.

Now, another thing I haven't taken into account, is how well games like Halo 3, SSMB:Brawl, and GT5 will sell the consoles. That's another battle in upon itself.

*This number does not necessarily apply if a substantial price drop happens ($99 or more)



"I have not factored in what might happen if a major blockbuster game comes out, and drives people to buy a system. Honestly, I can see that happening for a cheap system, like the Wii, or even the 360 (the core is getting phased out). But to buy a $600 system for 1 game? I don't care if it's Halo, you have to spend $660 plus tax in order to have the right to just play the game, never mind going online with it. Yes I do know Halo is 360 exclusive (for now...dum dum dum).In all likelihood, a game may push any of the consoles an extra 100-200k units, but lets be honest with ourselves here. One game does not make or break a console, it's the totality of the fan base, the games, the developers, the company, etc. Anything else?"

 Sorry for combining two of your posts but I think they are related. I am sure there are a few people who would go out and buy systems for only one or two games but I am pretty sure most are going in for a line of good games and so forth. Each system out there has amazing games listed and I am pretty sure the PS3 will get selling once a few actually hit shelves. I believe that alot of people are waiting.... if anyone remebers how the PS2 was at launch you would know the drought it went through. There were a few good titles but probably not enough to get someone to go out and purchase it.

Here's is what makes this distinction important, look at the release line up for all systems and then put  the systems in order by most anticipated game to the least. I am sure because of the type of posters on this site you ar going to see quite a few with the Wii on top, and quite a few with the PS3 on top. No disrespect to the 360 fans but it seems as if there are less of you on this site. I see it on forums the divide of POV's. Wii and 360 fans talk about this One game on the PS3 while PS3 sites mention one game on the other systems or non at all.

This is really not battle of consoles, it is more of a battle between taste's and I believe were are going to see a large devide and camps being formed for each respective system. The PS3 is doing poorly because it has no good games (IMO but I set the bar high) and its expensive. I think the wii is doing well of off its hype because its games do not seem that spectacular (IMO but I set the bar high). The end of this year will really show what's going to happen with these consoles. The 360' should be set upon high with its release of Halo 3 but will be troubled if the Wii catches up to it, the placement of the PS3 is an enigma because several exclusives each with their own fanbase are slated to be released this year and it will be an excellent indications of it's standings without MGS or FFXIII released.

This is what I find funny about your arguement because you tried to give yourself a way out with the sales of the game clause. But the games are what determines the sales period. People are buying the PS3 mainly off of expectations and the sales will grow stronger with titles that are released. I am more curious about the other systems and if they will manage to pull c even more crazy sales at the end of the year. 

Games make me happy! PSN ID: Staticneuron Gamertag: Staticneuron Wii Code: Static Wii - 3055 0871 5802 1723