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I concocted a list of Nintendo franchises with a "hype-ranking", to show just about how much hype each Nintendo franchise will recieve on the internet. Please note that having more hype than another franchise does not guarantee higher sales.

Hype Rank 1
- These are games that pretty much anyone will get hyped about, and the internet explodes everytime some new info about said games arrives.

Hype Rank 1 Franchises (Higher on the list = Higher amount of hype)

1. Zelda
2. Super Smash Bros.
3. Mario
4. Mario Kart
5. Pokémon

Hype Rank 2 - These are games that a fair amount of people will get hyped up for, and info will often be appreciated. Mostly somewhat recognizable franchises.

Hype Rank 2 Franchises

1. Metroid
2. Kirby
3. Animal Crossing
4. Star Fox
5. Punch-Out!! (Could be higher, but it just got revived, so...)
6. Paper Mario
7. Mario & Luigi
8. Pikmin
9. Golden Sun
10. F-Zero
11. Mario Sports
12. Mario Party

Hype Rank 3 - These are franchises that have extremely dedicated fanbases that will continuously hype up the next game in the series. Often consists of roughly the same people, most of the time

Hype Rank 3 Franchises

1. Mother (Though I'm unsure if this should be on the list considering the series has been officially ended according to it's creator)
2. Fire Emblem
3. Wario Land
4. Advance Wars

Do you think this list seems somewhat correct? I do. But please tell me what you might see incorrect with it if you don't agree. Also, please alert me if there's any franchise I seem to have forgotten. Donkey Kong and Kid Icarus were left off of the list on purpose. Kid Icarus because it hasn't gotten any game for quite some time, and Donkey Kong because the core franchise (spinoff games not included) pretty much died off after Donkey Kong 64.