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Dodece said:

In other words your saying I should just be an asshole, insult other users, and not feel obliged to provide any justification. I am sorry I do not subscribe to your belligerent lazy philosophy. I find your statements childish if your not in the mood for real discussion why bother coming to a forum. Wouldn't a more suitable venue for you be a chat room?

Well you may think it is lazy,  I like to look at it as being efficient.   Instead of just coming out and saying which you thought would do the best you took time to basically say that anyone who was picking Sony didnt understand the situation.  So you felt obliged to try an educate them on the situation in your own words. 

So why couldnt you just say who you thought would win E3?  I'll tell you why, because you had to take the time to try and belittle anyone who thought that E3 could be won by Sony.  Instead of coming up with counter arguements for another console, you attacked one.  So, in other words you're were being an asshole.  You were just trying to be clever about it.