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Dodece said:
This must be pointed out. Sony does not have the luxury that both its competitors enjoy. They are in third place with soft sales. Losing ground every single day. They account for just under twenty two percent of the global market. Just over seventeen percent in North America, and their best is Japan and Others with around twenty six percent.

Where am I going with this you might be saying so the console is doing poorly. That is the point Sony can ill afford to hold off on game announcements. They go into a quiet funk, and consumer confidence will begin to dwindle. They have to fight to be recognized or even remembered, and the only way to do that is to announce games.

Just imagine what would happen if Sony were playing the same game as Microsoft and Nintendo. Holding out on showing major titles. You would read comments like Sony is abandoning their console. Microsoft can get by reasonably well with the extra content releases making headlines. Nintendo will sell period major new game announcements or not. Both can really use the shows to full effect.

Let me phrase it as an analogy. Lets say that the event is the kitchen where the manufacturers are making their shows. Everyone else shows the tasters out of the door except Sony. Sony lets them lick the beaters, and taste the main coarse.
So basically be the time you get to dinner your already half stuffed you have been eating for quite some time. Meanwhile the others are famished.

Sony is staving off the hunger that would be a real menace to the sales they can get. While the others are starving and saving it all for the meal. Do not confuse satisfaction with having the great experience the others are going to have. You are going to be disappointed.

Look, all you had to say was that people are foolish if they think Sony will win E3.   Instead of trying to disguise it, just come out and say what you mean.  Sony sucks, and Microsoft will rule E3 once again because they have that luxury.