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Onyxmeth said:

Gran Turismo is nowhere near the top eight titles Nintendo has produced this generation. Microsoft doesn't own Bungie so Halo 3 does not count.

Regarding Nintendo having class, I could understand if this was PR meant to be spread around by the press, but this is a shareholders' report. These comments weren't necessarily meant to be passed along the websites and we're said within Nintendo's doors to fellow owners. This is the equivalent of saying Nintendo doesn't have class because their employees make fun of Sony and Microsoft amongst themselves at the watercooler at work. Nintendo's official PR stance is extremely mild and humble, and I don't feel these comments count towards that.

Microsoft doesn't own Bungie anymore, but I believe that at the time they did. Gran Turismo ain't Wii Fit, I'll give you that, but the third game in particular sold spectacular, and likely moved plenty of consoles. However, even if I concede these points, it's still not the main thrust of my post.

A shareholders' report, like this one, isn't a top-secret memo that stays within a select group and never leaks to the public, as with your analogy about employees in the breakroom. Nintendo (and every other company that publishes these reports) knows full well that these are going to get out to the public: in many ways, they're supposed to, so as to attract new investors.

Were this a leaked e-mail between Reggie and Iwata in which they mocked Hirai's hair, I'd be in full agreement, but when we're talking about a report that everyone knows is going to be read worldwide (to the point where some people wait for just such a release) I'm forced to disagree with your analogy and conclusion.