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PS3beats360 said:

PS3 price cut effective immediate with E3 09' announcement along with lots of PS3 game announcements. UnCharted 2 for October 2009 release. Ratchet and Clank for November release. FFXIII will release in Japan before Xmas 2009. God of War 3 for March 2010. MAG for April 2010. FFXIII release on PS3 in Europe and NA for June 2010. GT 5 and FF Versus XIII will both release in 2010. Expect show stopping block buster PSP game announcements.

Big surprise announcement Grand Theft Auto 5 exclusive for PS3.

In regards to the other two companies E3 09' presentations: MicroSoft and Nintendo I do not care what they show because I am not going to watch them.

The bias is strong with this one.