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axumblade said:
ameratsu said:
axumblade said:
So I beat level 1-1...and went back...then I got killed by the red eyed knight...and then I was trying to get back to it and fell down the stairs to my i can't find my body again...any suggestions of how to get it back? x.o


if you die again before you can recover your souls, they're gone forever. so the souls you lost fighting the red knight are gone because you died again.

but how do I get my body back? :[




you can either

1) beat a boss (either yourself or help someone beat a boss in co-op)

2) use the item "stone of ephermal(sp?) eyes"


there is a ring in 1-1 in the trebuchet area that will give you 75% health as a soul


axumblade, we do have a demon's souls text chat on psn that you can join as well.


Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka