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In my opinion, it's possible to argue that the term "over-hyping" is being thrown around and it only suspiciously seems to refer to exclusive for consoles, rarely against Multies.

I heard the term in reference to Killzone 2, Madworld and LBP  it's now being used in reference to The Conduit, MAG, InFamous and ODST.

My question is, when does a game "graduate" from regular hype to "over-hype."

Now I admit, as a Sony fan, I most of the time stay in the Sony Forums ocassionally coming here so I have no real means to disprove that 360/Nintendo games are being "over-hyped" (feel free to help out)

But from the Sony threads I would often see threads/comments/sigs stating "________ will be huge!!!"

Way I see it, that's no different to saying ______ will be amazing/impressive/awesome etc etc.

But then you get individuals jumping to the offense to say, people are "over-hyping" said game.

From my experience, folks who expect Game X to sell 1 million in 10seconds tend to be the ones desperate to see "Game X" fail because when it doesn't sell 10million in 10 seconds they tend to wave the "I told you so" flag and demand a "lol-parade" at the game that failed to sell 100million in 10seconds.

Right now from my perspective, the "in" thing is to say Infamous/Conduit/ODST is over-hyped, but all I see are people (9 times out of 10 anyway) saying this game is looking good or I'm interested in playing it.

So in with that in mind, I'm wondering exactly what the criteria is that bumps regular hype to "over-hype".

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?