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You know....I came to a very disturbing realization the other day at work(Gamestop)
This lady, after being told numerous times that GTAIV contains graphic violence, nudity, drugs, and the like, she did not care. Her 11 year old son wanted the game so she was going to get it for him regardless of it's contents.

The next day the same lady returned, with GTAIV in hand. When we asked her why was she returning it, she thought it was inappropriate for her kids. We asked what was it exactly, the killing? the drugs? the violence? the hookers? the swearing? She said no, it was the one gay character in the game, she ended with saying "I dont want my kids exposed to that sort of thing!"............

W.......T..........F.......0_o? Apparently that is the worst possible thing her kids could possibly be exposed to in that game, homosexuality? Needless to say the staff was relatively disgusted with the women and proceeded in mocking her upon her exit.

If we are to pave way for homosexual characters in video games I think it should be done stealthly. Dont go advertising the fact, just subtly slip it in there. Because once some biggoted minded moron catches wif of it, it will flop. It is sad really.

I personally love Kanji from Persona 4, he was the shit. Yea, he is a closeted homosexual and even at the end of the game refused to admit it, he was so damn cool. Especially when you see his "shadow" self, and how awesomely flamboyant he is. Kanji himself though was not stereotypical "girly" gay though. I pray for more inventive game characters like him.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)