axumblade said:
outlawauron said:
ameratsu said:
i thought turpentine could be used to temporarily light your weapon on fire? seems to me a lot of enemies drop it in that first level.
Oh, and MM, i found out there is a +/- 10 level restriction for coop. So if you wanted to play with me you'd have to be atleast level 25 (as i'm 35). Well... get to it. 
Or he can just play with me and axumblade.
What class are you two, MM and axum?
I'm just a knight..I dunno. I might start over with magic since I suck at being a knight lol. It annoys me that I have work in a half an hour though...:[
Ok, I just don't want to be the same class as you guys. We'll need to work together to beat this one.