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sega4life said:

The PRICE Sony set for their console at E3 in the beginning shows Sony's ignorance... and their attitude of "we are Sony ! so buy it." type attitude..

I was one of those people that sat in line for over 30 hours for a PS3...when I got home and started it up, I was expecting sooooo much for the price.. only to say "WTF did I waste my time and money on... I have this on my 360"

I'm not just talking smack, and I'm not going to say "don't get me wrong I love me PS3" to make people feel better...

I do play my PS3 & 360, I like all the systems the same (except the Wii, never play it) but... for the Hype & money I spent on the damn system I was expecting to be blown away from day one... and just these past few months I feel PS3 is catching up to 360...


ya I felt the same way and see it coming along too. I just wish the PS3 would allow more then one gamertag at a time for splitscreen and trophies alla RE5. why not????

ya I am glad the 360 is doing well but I dont want to see any console do bad.