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personally, you should look at each game and decide for yourself whether you think it's ok or not. Letting the church or the bible rule your life is a fast way to being unhappy with yourself. Religion provides a guide but it's up to you to decide how to interpret it. You have to make decisions for yourself rather than relying on the Bible or the Church to make those decisions for you.

Given that no one in this thread can agree on it you'll probably end up just making your own decision and saying that God said it was ok anyway. God's not some dude watching everything you do and checking it against a "Sin or no Sin" rulebook to determine whether you're going to heaven or hell. That's Santa Claus ;). The religious beliefs basically boil down to one golden rule, treat others as you would like to be treated yourself. If you think it is ok, then you won't be punished for it, God won't hate you for it. Your family won't disown you for it. Just go with your heart.

In the end, these "rules" you're trying to find were laid down by people who have never played a video game in their life, and have no idea what they're about. The Jack Thompsons of this world. You think your local priest knows anything about video games? Go with your heart, and you'll find that you're heart is always correct.

Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!