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You know, a shooter fanboy could come on here and say that console X is better than console Y because it has lots of good shooters. If you don't like shooters, he's not helping you.

So...look at the lists. Seriously. Here, I'll even help you.

Because you are the only one who knows which console you would prefer. Seriously. I have no idea if you prefer Halo to Killzone, or Ratchet and Clank to Banjo-Kazooie, or Uncharted to Gears of War (random comparison, I know)

I would of course advise that you get a PS3, because it's +1 to PS3 sales, more money to Sony, and I suppose, another person to play online with. But this is coming from a huge Sony fan, so can you take my opinion as fair and unbiased?

If you can, go ahead, buy a PS3 right now. If not, look at those lists. Ignore the arbitrary numbers. It doesn't matter whether one console has more 90+ titles than the other, because chances are you won't like all of those. Look at the games rated 80+, and see which ones appeal to you.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective