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If you have doubts, it's probably best to avoid the games you have doubts about. No offense intended, but I don't see how Halo is "ok", yet WW2 shooters are wrong for commercializing violence(as you say anyways). I've always saw them as a way to understand the pure hell that some people went through long ago. Of course commercializing just about anything can be bad if you choose to see things that way. If I had kids, I'd much rather they play a good WW2 shooter(and maybe gain something from that) than a game like Halo or any other fps.

RE4 kicks ass btw. I'm not saying you should play it; I'm just saying it's too good to not play. :) And everyone knows the graphics as a whole are great, despite what some people may say.

But anyways...If you feel bad about something, don't do it until you feel it's ok with you and your beliefs. Don't be so concerned about what the church has to say about games; seek for answers through God and the Bible instead.

"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."