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shio said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
shio said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
shio said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

I'd have to say WRPG's. As much as I love JRPG's, they aren't true RPG's. They are fixed stories with turn-based play; this leaves you out of that role. WRPG's have been evolving in a way that I haven't seen from JRPG's with games such as Oblivion, WOW, Mass Effect. If they keep making games like these with more Cinematics, choices which effect every aspect of the game and vast lands to explore, it would be confirmed that WRPG's are the future of RPG gameplay. Futuristic gameplay puts the true power in the players hands and they effect the outcome which only WRPG's allow and JRPG's do not. I believe Mass Effect is only the beginning to a fleet of WRPG titles. JRPG's do not allow you to play a role and immerse yourself in it; it foruses more on the actions of a team with no actual connection between player and character. You cannot become the character, therefore the concept of it being an RPG is half-assed.

WRPG's were the beginning JRPG's are the middle and WRPG's will be the end.

I hope not. Mass Effect is almost a JRPG itself compared to the best WRPGs.




1. Mass Effect was not linear like JRPG's; it had a trilateral storyline where you could go one of three ways.

2. Mass Effect gives you choice (IE: The decsions you make can affect your team mates temperament towards you, your love life, the chances of your enemies attacking, making deals, or giving up, etc.) and JRPG's do not.

3. I've never seen an immersive storyline in a JRPG which spans a universe allowing you to travel from galaxy searching for minerals, picking fights with different inhabitants and learning the truth about the plot.

4. JRPG's do not allow you to continue your storyline from an old game (by memory saves alone) in the newer installment.

5. Mass Effect brings out every emotion in you during gameplay. This is why people play this game multiple times. I've never played a JRPG more than twice. I've played Mass Effect four times just to get all of the achievements.

6. In JRPG's you control the inventory of the main characters; however, in Mass Effect (a WRPG) you control the character completely.

The only thing that makes Mass Effect like a JRPG is that it gives you a core cinematic experience. However with Mass Effect you can choose to be good, bad or indifferent to everything thus changing the cinematics when you progress.

1. Mass Effect is almost completely linear, don't get fooled. Just because you can go to planets and trigger parts in different orders, it is still linear.

2. Mass Effect has almost no choices. Why? Because a true choice has a consequence, and nearly everything you decide on the game changes nothing.

3. I've never seen Mass Effect reach the masterpiece level of Planescape: Torment in terms deconstruction of one's identity, nor explore to depth any worthwhile theme.

4. So? it's a nice feature, but nothing that important because the only thing you truly gain from it is that you get a head start in your character's leveling.

5. I've played Fallout 1 and 2 atleast 10 times each, and every time and completely different from the other. I was a goody pants, an outcast hunted by bounty hunters, a trade slaver, a porn star, a retarded gorilla, a prostitute, a child killer, a junkie, a grave robber, a preacher, etc...

6. Ironically Mass Effect's inventory system is absolutely terrible.

1. Mass Effect is not linear. You can create your own character/gender or take the one they give you and you go along a trilateral storyline. Trilateral=three sides (Paragon, Renegade or indifferent)

2. There are consequences for your actions in Mass Effect.

3. Planetscape was a WRPG much like Mass Effect. I'll check it out, thanks for the info.

4. The point of Mass Effect was for each individual to gain something for themselves out of playing it. That part which they gained will be transfered to the next game.

5. Thats're further bolstering my point about WRPG's. Keep going.

6. Thats all your opinion. Mass Effect wasn't perfect, but I believe it will only get better. The devs have been saying it will be bigger and better and certain bugs will be fixed. :)


1. That's reaching at straws. 90% of RPGs have that, and it has little to do with linearity (much like going to same places in different orders). Mass Effect is still mostly linear.

2. Yes, but just because I can also kick a ball that doesn't mean I am a football player.

3. Planescape: Torment is leagues above Mass Effect.

4. Bioware were never the masters of choice/consequence, and they also have a VERY loose definition of choice, so right now I don't trust them the slightest when it's about such matters.

5. Actually that was to show you how Mass Effect looks like a JRPG when compared to the best WRPGs like Fallout 1 & 2.

6. Mass Effect can't get better since it already came out, unless they plan to release new patches for it.

1. Um....choices between the 3 involve expand to somewhere around 7-9 actual choices. When you just begin in the game you only have three choices between Paragon, indifferent, and Renegade. As you raise the speaking attributes of your character, more choices pop up (especially if you play the game a second time with the same character) allowing for more personalization of the character to your liking and also so he can either be a charismatic yet hostile/ peace maker and much, much more.

2. Who said you have to be a football player? Just go in the direction you feel like going in. You don't always have to make the same decisions. I've played and create four different characters/styles and rarely does it have the same feeling. I've only played the game four times and theres 6 character classes which are all interesting.

3. Planescape may be better to Mass Effect, but i've never played it. This isn't about belittling my opinion of what I think is a great game.

4. Bioware and Bethesda are doing just fine. Mass Effect can only evolve, since the franchise is a triology.

5. To tell me about all the classes you played as is not different from saying you played a Soldier, engineer,Adept, Infiltrator, Sentinel or even a vaguard in Mass Effect. As I stated, you're only proving more and more how much of a WRPG this is. Get this straight a JRPG is a plot-driven turn-based Action game, while WRPG (or rpgs period) pit you in an openworld game where you are the character where you make certain choices that affect character and the people around you and the storyline. If you don't like Mass Effect, good for you. It's not my job to try and change that.

6. Of course Mass Effect can only get better. Mass Effect is a franchise that is a triology, and the next installment is coming out next year (WHY THE **** CANT 2010 COME SOONER!!!?).