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I'd have to say WRPG's. As much as I love JRPG's, they aren't true RPG's. They are fixed stories with turn-based play; this leaves you out of that role. WRPG's have been evolving in a way that I haven't seen from JRPG's with games such as Oblivion, WOW, Mass Effect. If they keep making games like these with more Cinematics, choices which effect every aspect of the game and vast lands to explore, it would be confirmed that WRPG's are the future of RPG gameplay. Futuristic gameplay puts the true power in the players hands and they effect the outcome which only WRPG's allow and JRPG's do not. I believe Mass Effect is only the beginning to a fleet of WRPG titles. JRPG's do not allow you to play a role and immerse yourself in it; it foruses more on the actions of a team with no actual connection between player and character. You cannot become the character, therefore the concept of it being an RPG is half-assed.

WRPG's were the beginning JRPG's are the middle and WRPG's will be the end.