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Sqrl said:
outlawauron said:
That kinda sucks is your product doesn't sell 5,000. Shouldn't be a big deal for most, but there are retail Wii games that haven't sold that much in Japan......

I'm pretty sure this doesn't apply to retail software, just WW.

More importantly, every WiiWare title has several advantages that most retail games lack. When your WiiWare game gets published, you automatically get:

-Free publicity via Nintendo for millions of readers (and you're often the only WiiWare game that week, at least in N.A.)

-Front page Wii Shop placement on every single Wii for at least that week (millions of eyeballs)

-Prominent placement in the "What's New" section, often for two or three weeks

-First or second page video on the Nintendo Channel, and often the video sticks around a later page for quite a while afterwards


That's a crapton of publicity that you're buying for the amount of revenue you'd get from 2,000-6,000 sales, much more than most indie developers would ever get. If you can't manage 2k-6k lifetime sales after all that, I'd wager that your game, rather than Nintendo, is probably the problem.