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The suggestion that more mods would be good is fine, and pretty damn true, but your reasoning is off.

You will never have enough mods for reporting to become meaningless and outdated because we are volunteers so we aren't going to browse through every single thread looking for violations, and we aren't asked to do that.

For me to find every single instance of trolling I would have to turn this site into a job without pay, and if you did that you would have no mods whatsoever.

On any given week I probably spend 7 hours doing things for the site between writing reviews, editing the reviews of others, and doing mod stuff (thankfully my least time consuming role), and I think that's about as much as you can expect out of a volunteer. Even if I spent all that time looking for trolling in the forums I wouldn't find it all, so reporting would still be necessary. Not to mention all of the game webpages and pages for sales that aren't usually looked through.
