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Words Of Wisdom said:
wfz said:

Why should the users get this responsibility put on them when they're just here to enjoy the great times on this site, and it's the mods' jobs to mod?

It's not a job, it's a voluntary activity.

Mods do it (hopefully) for the same reason that we users report people--to make the community better.  I try to report as much garbage as I can because in a forum this size with this many users, it's unlikely a mod will be on 24/7 and manage to see every possible bad thread out there. 

Besides, reporting a post takes all of 2 seconds.  Very little effort and for it we're rewarded with a great community.


Well when they become mods, it's their role to do modding...things...right? They get special privilages we normal users don't, in return for their services. It's not like they just so happen to be special so they get colors. They volunteer for the role, sure, but that doesn't mean that they should skate by half-a**ing it.

Wait, that wasn't even my point. I just think there aren't enough mods, or the mods we have don't have enough time to thoroughly do the role they signed up to do. Am I wrong?


If I'm going to report people left and right, I want some flashy colors and privilages, damnit! :P Why should we volunteer our services with nothing in return when they volunteer and get all these privilages?

Again I don't mean that they are slacking or anything, and I'm sorry if i accidentally came across that way. All I'm saying is that the mods don't have enough time to get around, or there aren't enough of them. I believe there should be more mods.


Unless there is something else I'm missing.