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coolestguyever said:
Khuutra said:
Squilliam said:
I don't have an issue with the reviews, I have an issue with the scores. I find the 3 tier system of value, presentation etc to be unhelpful. So many things get thrown together within these different categories it makes it difficult to seperate the relevant information from the information from the information which is irrelevent to me.

If you were to set down an ideal scoring system, how would you do so? Keep in mind this is hypothetical, so feel free to go nuts.


I don't mind the 3 tier system, its not bad at all. Again its not the way they review it, its the scores themselves.

I'd stick with "presentation" which encompasses graphics, presentation, and sound. "Gameplay" being just how fun it is, and "lasting appeal" which is of course if its worth playing again or how good the online is.

Edit: Maybe also "value" which means is it worth your money. A single player only game thats just 10 hours, not worth your money. That games a renter and will get a low value score. An RPG thats 100 hours, really high value. A FPS with great online, also great value for your money.


See here's where the value argument breaks down.  I have no problem buying a 10 hour (heck a 3 hour) SP game if its good enough.  For me Uncharted has a much higher value than many average shooters with an online MP, or a quest game with lots of redundant side quests.

Of course if I'm in a clear minority I'll have to live with that, but is everyone really buying games because it has MP, etc. vs superior shorter games just to save money or feel they are getting more for their money?

I believe a review should give a view on value, but I absolutely feel it shouldn't be a score as that automatically skews all scores in favour of RPGs or Online titles vs SP titles - and a system with a bias is not a good system (sorry Naznatips but I'm afraid including a Value score has introduced a bias against certain titles so far as I can see).

Value will change depending upon the gamer.  There are many offline gamers as well as online gamers, who want quality over quantity, something the current scoring does not fairly reflect.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...