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scottie said:
@ Squlliam

If you separate SP and MP than you have two possiblities

Single player only games get 0 for MP score - this would stop some of the greatest games of all time from getting decent scores - Orcarina of Time, FFVII, MGS4 as 3 good examples

Single Player doesn't get a score for MP, and the score comes only from the other sections. This would primarily single player games that add in a multiplayer mode as an extra feature. It seems harsh that a game can be penalised for adding in bonus features

The score I feel is best left to the reviewers overall impression of the game. This score is more a pointer for those who appreciate single-player more than multi-player or vice versa. It indicates how a game may have scored high or low, but it doesn't neccessarily cause a game to review high or low.

