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BHR-3 said:

Im BHR-3 well known on here as a PS3 fan ive been pondering a few things about the 360 and it's online service

1 What are these silver and gold cards how long do they last 

Silver is free. Gold you can get from 48 hours all the way to 1 year.

2 Is there more services besides gold and silver like platinum

No, just gold/silver

3 What can u access with the gold that u can't access with the silver

Playing games online, party's, chat, those are the main ones.

4 Can u buy a silver subscription or where can you get one

You automatically get silver when you sign up.

5 Can you access demos and firmware updates if ur subscription expires for either gold and silver

I think you can get demos with silver but not certain.

6 Can u buy stuff like xbl games from the market place if your subscription expires

They'll always take your money. I'm not certain but I'd have to guess yes.

7 What can u access wen ur subscription expires

Well silver doesn't expire, and when your gold expires your downgraded to silver. You can access everything you can with silver.

8 What day/time do the new demos come in every week

No Idea, isn't it wednesday's?

9 What day/time does the netflix/movie section get updated  every week

no clue

10 Can you make more than one account under 1 subscription or do you have to buy another gold card

You have to buy another gold card for each account.

11 When you bought ur 360 did it come with a Ethernet cable if it did how long was it

 Yes but the one I got was short as hell, it was only about 6 feet.



For the ps3 the store gets updated on thursdays where i live it's usually 8:30pm it used to be 4:30pm though and sometimes we might get stuff on other days like the RE5 demo was on a monday

As u might know PSN is Free and u could create multiple accounts in diffrent regions too i heard though that 12 is the max the system can make then u need to buy another system b/c u can't delete what's in the systems memory

My 60g ps3 came with a Ethernet cord i think it was 3-6 feet long i don't think the new sku's come with one for cost reasons