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Alrighty, here it goes...

1. I'd rather take an actual drive than play Gran Turismo. It's more fun.

2. Although Super Mario 64 started it all for 3D Platformers, Banjo-Kazooie is a better game. Although it borrows heavily from SM64's core elements, Banjo-Kazooie adds its own unique elements along with character and humor.

3. Using fixed camera angles and poor control might have worked back in the PSX/N64 days, but it's now time to actually use fear to scare people in video games.

4. Although some call the plot twist in Twilight Princess a cop-out, I really liked it.

5. TimeSplitters is the best FPS series for its charm, character, and humor. Oh, and monkeys. Them too.

6. Conker's Bad Fur Day is vastly superior to Conker: Live & Reloaded due to the fact that it's not as censored (who would have thought that a game on a Nintendo console would be less censored than the Big Bad Xbox?) and a much more fun multiplayer experience.

7. Wii-Sports Golf is the most fun I've had with a sports game in a long, long time.

8. The Paper Mario series and Mario & Luigi series are my favorite RPGs. I cannot get into traditional RPGs for some reason, but that's fine. As long as Paper Mario 3 comes out soon...

9. I really tried getting into the Metal Gear Solid series, but the game play is not for me. I actually watched the cut scenes on YouTube, and easily grasped each story line. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Oh, and Otacon is easily the most annoying character ever.

10. Nechku & Lechku are my favorite bosses so far in this generation of gaming. I loved the machinery aspect for each of them, and the 2v2 battle was a nice way to keep things fresh. It was very fun, and very satisfying. Especially when the battle added to the story in a way I didn't see coming.

11. My friends and I always played the shooter mini-game on Banjo-Tooie. It was our GoldenEye for the fact that we preferred this over the shooter, and we all had a blast playing it.

12. As far as fighters go, I enjoyed Mortal Kombat II more than Street Fighter II.