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Dodece said:
I really love the fact that I riled some feathers. Enough to get personal attacks, and other posters trying to change the subject. That means I struck a raw nerve. You can literally feel the vile desperation through their posts. It doesn't really bother me if you attack me personally it just belies the weakness of your argument.

Speaking to the comment from Dallinor. I said makes it a point which is not the same as carved in stone. I make it a point to not eat spicy foods before I go to bed, because I would rather not sleep on an upset stomach. However that is not always the case, as in it isn't carved in stone. Occasionally I will eat something spicy before I go to bed. I usually regret doing so, but it happens. I suggest you collate if your interested all the titles announced by Microsoft. I suspect you will find its significantly in favor of short time tables rather then timetables that exceed a year.


I think it is rather rude to not properly type my handle. It is all of six letters, and is it really a issue to not be bothered to copy paste if you cannot be bothered to actually remember it. Just a pet peeve, but it definitely deflates any argument you make.

For interest, here are all the 360 titles announced and published by MS which were then released in under a year:

Forza Motorsport 1 & 2


Scene it: 1+2

Perfect Dark Zero

Project Gotham Racing:3


Fuzion Frenzy 2

Viva Pinata 1 & 2

The Movies

Every Party

Ninja Blade

Ninja Gaiden II

Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts

Ninety-Nine Nights

Gears Of War 2

(Total: 17 games)

Not announced and released in under a year:

Gears Of War

Mass Effect


Fable II


Project Gotham Racing: 4

Blue Dragon

Kingdom Under Fire: Circle Of Doom

Lost Odyssey

Infinite Undiscovery

Halo Wars

Halo Chronicles

Halo 3

Too Human

Alan Wake

(Total: 15 games)

Note: Jade Empire was left out as it was released on the xbox first.

The 'under a year' list also recieves a considerable bulking up given that a lot of the titles were launch releases for the platform.

Overall I don't think this list shows MS is particularly in favour of either timetable. Granted Microsoft currently seem to be embarking down the road of only announcing titles in under a year, but I think your original assessment was made in haste and built upon a common misconception floating around these forums.