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Kantor said:
Oh, hell no.

I'm not one for judging a game based on developer history, look at Killzone 2 and Haze. But the videos I have seen of the looks hideous. The graphics are bad, it lags, the animations look like something off the PS1, and it just doesn't look fun.


I believe there has only been two videos of the game. One was a an ofscreen recording of some random guy playing a early demo of the game. The other was an actual trailer. The first one was laggy and anti climatic as I said in OP but it was an early build. Have you seen the newer one? It looks a whole lot better graphically.

Like I said before, Oblivion's combat sucked big time but the massive openess and quests of the game kept it fun. THis game is looking to offer a similar experience with a better battle system, Epic boss battles, and online play.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)