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3 points I have to make. Nintendo didn't say Wii fit is the best selling Wii or nintendo game, they spoke generally in terms of sale.
Secondly, Bejeweled has been sold over last few years on pcs, smart phones, iPhones, itouches, xboxs and now psn.
Third and last point, at such a low price, whether bundled or not, it is very much possible to sell high figures. Add the total number of of users, mac users, 360 users, iPhone users, smart phone users and itouch users. This will give you a decent idea of how many potential buyers they have.

If nintendo said Wii fit was the best selling nintendo or Wii game, they would be correct, otherwise they are wrong. I am sure other games out there have also sold well past the 10 million mark because they are cheap and accessible through several platforms.