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I think it's not a matter of which console you like but a matter of personal development. A (mentally!) grown up person is less likely to develop this kind of attitude towards someone else or gaming.

For instance I would bet all of my money that many people on this forum are claiming to be older than they really are.

Fanboyism is a pattern of thought that emerges mostly from uncertainty: As teenagers most people see themselves as the centre point of their world, they are in an age of alteration and have just recently left their former life as a child (or are trying to do so at least), they feel unsafe and unconfident and don't know how to measure their "quality" as part of the society.
They don't know what the important values in life are for them. As teenagers mostly consort with people of their own age they measure their own value by watching the reaction of their contemporaries and try to become accepted among them. As their contemporaries don't know yet about their important values as well, they often try to become the "leader" of their social group. This explains why there are so many young kids and teens talking about how cool Halo and Need for Speed are or pre-teens sitting in the bus playing PSP even though those things are clearly thought to entertain the "real" adult gamer.

As young teenagers often lack the mental maturation (which we can't blame them for, when I was 15 I didn't know how important constancy, honesty and compassion are, honestly no one of us did and the ones who think "but I did!" now surely still lack that maturation) to be convinced in their own actions without the approval of their social group they think they are not worth a dollar if their social group doesn't tell them otherwise. That results in a thinking of "But I MUST be cool / accepted, otherwise I'm not worth anything!"

Now if such a person buys a console for example they often do that to show themselves "I'm cool, I'm worth something" but if they get the feeling that an important / big group of people thinks they could've done a better purchase they automatically defend themselves. Not their console, though. In reality they just try to convince themselves that they are worth just as much as you and me. That's why it is so hard to argue with a fanboy: They don't argue against you but against themselves.

Gamers older than 20 or so often play technically advanced games because they are "realism-freaks", because they like to play something technically involved, while a pre-mature person wants to compare his or her games to the games on other consoles to show himself (again, not the other person, why would the fanboy care?) that his purchase was "better" and that it justifies a social ascendency in his or her group.

In general most fanboy arguments are about "I'm better than you!"not "my system is better than yours!"

So for me it's not about which system does a fanboy prefer it's about how (pre-) mature is he or she acting?