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Jeronimo66 said:
I like and own an xbox 360, and I also like the ps3 but dont care about any of the ps3 exclusives to make me buy the system, does that make me biased,

that answer is up to you,

BUT, consider this, and I don't think I have seen anybody post this before.

Just Imagine if you could play Halo 3, Gears of War, Gears of War 2, Grand theft Auto 4 (plus downloadable episodes), Resident Evil 5, Final Fantasy 13, Tekken 6 and Xbox Live on the Playstation 3.

Now Imagine you can play, Metal Gear Solid 4, Grand theft Auto 4, (no downloadable episodes), Resident Evil 5, Final Fantasy 13, Tekken 6 and Playstation Network on the Playstation 3.

This is for all the diehard sonyboys out there, I know you love the playstation and I know what its like to be a fan of a company, I am STILL a sega fan, but how can you knock someone for wanting and liking Xbox 360.

Diehard sonyboys think about those 2 choices, which would you choose?

Well yeah that's a no brainer since you gave the 360 three exclusives and the PS3 one.  Even up the lists a bit more and I'm fine with telling you that I prefer the games on the PS3, I enjoy MGS4, LBP, and Uncharted more than any of the times I have played Gears 1 or 2 or Halo 3.

